The Bible is all about Jesus. It may be difficult to understand while we’re stuck in the moment of our lives. We’re tied to time, we have a narrow view of history, and our worldview has been shaped by the experiences of our lives. What we see, what we hear, who we belong to and spend time with… these all shape our perspective, not all are true.
We live in an interesting point in history where SCIENCE, MEDICINE, and TECHNOLOGY advance so rapidly, we are drawn to the hope that all our life-issues will be solved, quickly.
We have been taught with increased access to EDUCATION, the PHILOSOPHY of evolution and humanism. I guess we are advancing through a natural process, that has caused humans to evolve from lower organisms to the brilliant, sentient beings that we are now – and we control our own destiny! We think, therefore we are! We have the power within – just search our hearts. There is nothing that prevents us from the hope of something better, because of who we are… and we continue to get better over time. (Or, so we’re told.)
We have LEGAL, POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, and CULTURAL systems that change and mutate over the generations. They help define how we are to live, they promise to resolve the current difficulties that we still experience in the here and now, but there is a promise of hope for the next generation, that we hold so dear.
We also have, for those seeking something else… something beyond the natural, something spiritual, many different RELIGIONS that promise outside, supernatural forces that will intervene on our behalf. They all claim to be able to define who and what god is, and how one should live in light of that definition. We are told what to do to please this god and we hope we will be found worthy enough to receive his favor.
Then, there is CHRISTIANITY. Centered on JESUS and God’s redemption plan as revealed in the BIBLE.
Christianity is offensive to all but other Christians. Actually, the Bible is offensive to everyone, until it becomes the source of hope. When the spark of hope is ignited in an individual by scripture, they are suddenly a Christian. The Gospel message, whether read, heard, or observed, has the power to kill the old and begin new life. Inexplicably, this new Christian, being born-again, is nurtured, matured, and shaped by God’s Word. They do not want to live any other way, but they don’t know how and dual citizenship – on earth and in Heaven is a tough road to walk. We are not promised anything different.
First, we are offended by what the Bible tells us. The stories contained, some in graphic detail, are horrific – full of violence, injustice, favoritism, sexism, racism, and severe punishment. We are left with feelings that shout, ‘How can God be good, when all this happens!’ We are clinging to our worldly view that we could do, oh – so much better! We are clinging to our deceptive view of ourselves that, on our own, we are not that bad. We maintain the cultural standard of self-focus so we can rationalize and justify ourselves… if God created me, then I’m exactly who He wants me to be. Or, He loves me just as I am. We have difficulty looking at our behavior and its impact on others. We cling to a ‘God and me’ narrow view of an afterlife, ignoring the irrationality of that concept. After all, if God loves you because He created you, then doesn’t He also love your brother, sister, parent, child, neighbor, coworker, employer, employee, teacher, doctor, lawyer, spouse, ex-spouse, waiter, cashier, pastor, counselor, friends and enemies, alike?
Then, when we grasp that concept… when we see that the Bible is not all about us, we are confronted by what the Bible says about ourselves and the world around us. We can examine our own experiences, we can observe the world around us, and we can begin to get less offended. At a minimum, we are challenged to explore the scriptures and search for the truth – in a message that has never been popular. It will never be popular as the message repeated is simple: I AM GOD, you are not.
A new Christian who wants to respond and cling to a new way of life, that grows from the saving message of the Gospel, will want to read Scripture – they know, they have heard, they have seen, the growth of other Christians with the knowledge, study, and meditation of the Bible. They see mature Christians standing strong during periods of cultural or political upheaval. They see the strength, comfort, and peace extended for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. They see the self-discipline and emotional control that non-Christians resolve to achieve on their own, but fail. They hunger and thirst for something they cannot even define yet; for they are still children.
A young Christian wants to take them by the hand and force them to follow their footsteps. It is the eagerness and excitement of growth that assumes some progress means continuing progress… all wins from here to eternity. I commend the excitement, but advise you to remember, you are not there yet! Your growth continues in this life until Jesus returns or you take your last breath here on earth. Your growth must encounter some difficulty here, because the world is hostile to God – but, He is with you through it. The more experiences you have walking with Him in these difficulties, the greater the growth!
A mature Christian has settled into a regular routine of walking in the Spirit. Any difficulties are automatically placed in the Christian perspective. Some we can deal with, some we need help with, some we can walk away from, and some have the potential to kill us. All are ok, because we know that none of them are unknown to God and we know that even death won’t keep us from an eternity with our Savior in His Kingdom. Each day we are here, we ask Him, ‘How can I help?’ Or, ‘How do I honor You in this situation?’ We look for those that He places in front of us, perhaps we are the ones to invite them into the kingdom. Perhaps, we are the ones to lift them up in prayer to bring other believers into their lives.
What is the Christian worldview? When the PEOPLE of GOD live under the WORD of GOD, we discover the SPIRIT of GOD, increasing our experience of the PRESENCE of GOD.
Ok, maybe that sounds too abstract. That’s ok, try this. As you go through life it sometimes feels like a roller coaster. You strap yourself in and hold onto the bars as tightly as you can, even though you know you can’t control the height of the incline, the speed of the descent, the radius of the curve, the tilt of the car… but if feels like you have some control by holding on. A maturing Christian knows the roller coaster of life cannot be controlled. The safety harness is worn, but the ride can be enjoyed. (Proverbs 31:25 – She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.)
The Christian has left the worldly things behind in the hands of the world’s Creator. There is nothing that can separate them from their King and nothing happens outside of His will. There is peace and joy to be found in each incline, in each descent, around every curve. The ride will end and when it does, there is the sound of His welcome voice, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.‘ ๐