⛪Let’s GAHOE – Calling All Christians!

It is Pentecost Sunday, seven weeks after Easter Sunday, in 2023.  Pentecost – when the apostles received the Holy Spirit and The Church of Christ was born. 

There’s a rallying cry for every group that organizes itself by some attribute they hold in common.  Sometimes it’s for political purposes, sometimes it’s a sports team or an entertainment franchise.  Sometimes it is around a Person that promises to be life changing.

Christians are no different – we rally under a single banner – Christ crucified. [1 Corinthians 1:23-24] We rally under a single cry – ‘Let’s Go’.

Only spell it differently… LET’S GAHOE!  This reminds us that we are God’s Army Here on Earth. We stand together, we live differently, and we fight uniquely.

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