Left of Return

Whether you’re a believer or not, we have all had that experience of being not-quite-awake and not-quite-asleep where you sense communication taking place.  Scientists and psychologists will explain this as REM sleep – dreaming – the subconscious part of the brain trying to work out conflicts and resolutions you are struggling with in your conscious life.  I can agree with that.

But I disagree with any conclusion saying, that since we all experience it, it is therefore part of our natural life.

It appears to me that when I let go of controlling my own thoughts that I am finally able to enter a realm that allows me to hear God speak to me more clearly. And, I keep a pen and notebook handy as I find these conversations precious.  It is a discipline I had to embrace because the distractions of my daily natural life continually try to sweep these treasures away.

This morning’s message was clear, even though it was only a phrase:  LEFT OF RETURN. I had two very strong associations. Still, I googled the phrase before trusting my own interpretations, but I found no contemporary use for this phrase, so I reexamined these two visions I had while still in that realm where God had my full attention.

The first being a typewriter where the RETURN key is on the right side of a set of keys and on the LEFT OF RETURN is an unlimited world waiting to be communicated through thoughts, words, sentences, etc.

The second being a timeline where there is a significant milestone for all of God’s creation, called RETURN, signifying the end of the natural life. This is where I return to God my Father. To the LEFT OF RETURN, is my life here on earth.

The morning’s message tells me two things:

  1. I RETURN to my Father, but He is also with me now.
  2. What I do between now and then is my choice, but I make that choice knowing that He is with me. (And like Paul in Philippians, I pray for sufficient courage to bring Him glory.)

I am most thankful that before going to bed, I read and thought about Philippians, imagining Paul in prison writing that first chapter and struggling with the desire for life on Earth and life in the eternal Kingdom of God. Key verse: Philippians 1:21 – For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

I am also amazed that after a lifetime that utilized manual typewriters, electric typewriters, word processors, computer keyboards and a degree in mathematics… God uses a phrase that might not make any sense to anybody else, but speaks directly to me

3 Replies to “Left of Return”

  1. Wow! That was truly a great joy to read. I am continually amazed and inspired by the revelations and insights of my family.

  2. Thank you Elisa for sharing that!

    Now I have to share something too. A frequent winner of prizes at the radio station called me this morning to tell me that today is the only day on the calendar where there is a command to go forward.

    March Forth…(4th)

    I told her I really appreciated her calling me and telling me that because it spoke to me. I had just been thinking about how we are in a battle and we need to keep the armor on earlier that morning.

    1. Thank you for sharing that Annelie… This was the year I wanted to move forward in faith and action. Apparently today was the day, March 4th, to hear that message!
      Do it, you’re not alone.💕

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