I Wouldn’t Reinvent the Wheel, Why Plagiarize?

Occasionally you run across a message somewhere, verbal or written, where you have to respond… EXACTLY! 

Ozona Community Church in Ozona, FL handles the following topics on their webpage ‘What We Believe’, to which I respond, EXACTLY!

  1. The Scriptures
  2. God
  3. Man
  4. Salvation
  5. God’s Purpose of Grace
  6. The Church
  7. Baptism
  8. The Lord’s Day
  9. The Kingdom
  10. Last Things
  11. Evangelism and Missions
  12. Education
  13. Stewardship
  14. Cooperation
  15. The Christian and the Social Order
  16. Peace and War
  17. Religious Liberty
  18. The Family


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