Emotionalism – 10/21/18

Settle down, God is in control!

Proverbs 18:13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.

All I know is that this is the way I was MOST of the time.  I could barely let a person finish their sentence before I began talking.  I was a TERRIBLE listener and VERY emotional about everything probably because even though I know it was a lie, I thought it was all about me.

I know I’ve shared before how often I would hear mom’s voice saying, “Settle down Annelie”.  That is what I needed, a reminder to settle down, where now I rely on the Holy Spirit to settle me down.

Joyce talks on page 20 about “emotionalism as a tendency to rely on or place too much value on emotion…or an excessive display of emotion.”

Hmm…how many times a day do we say, “I feel?”  How often do we say, “I wish I had just kept my mouth shut?”

I think we should pay attention to what we say throughout the day and how calm or excited we get throughout the day.  Is how we speak and feel in accordance with God’s Word or with the flesh?

One time in church during prayer meeting someone said something without thinking.  It hit one of my beliefs square on and I “FELT” self rising up, which I thought was righteous indignation.  Now I kept my mouth shut, which was a partial victory, but I was arguing on the inside.

After the meeting, when I was calm and able to think clearly I thought about what happened and then a really troubling thought showed up.  Was I really wanting to defend God and His Word, or was it more about me and what I believed to be true?

I had to admit and confess that I was prideful and selfish and even angry with the person, even if just for a short time.  

I know God is working on us all to mold us into His character.  I want to encourage us all to make that choice to humbly submit to God and resist the flesh.  Ignore the flesh, even when it’s screaming to be heard, and in Jesus’ name and strength, keep it in the grave.


  1. Think of a time when you experienced the flesh crying out, and you gained the victory!  How did it feel afterwards?  You can share the experience, as well as how it felt afterwards.  
  2. Have you relied too much on emotions?  What can you do to remain calm in a stressful situation, even if you know you are right?

Next Week…

We’ll be covering page 21-23 – Fighting Emotions

8 Replies to “Emotionalism – 10/21/18”

  1. I agree Pat that I’ve seen a lot of growth in all of us too, which is so encouraging. Calm…peace in all situations…that is a beautiful thing.

    Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

    It was Jesus who told us that, but it does sound like Paul.

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