Coming Soon

Growing spiritually is a challenge.  But it is an awakening like no other experience in this life.  It can’t be, because it is NOT of this life.  There is a reason that you are constantly drawn to phrases like , ‘Let It Go’, and the reason is simple:  We were never meant to live THIS life forever.

You cannot get THERE from HERE.  At least NOT using the tools with which you are currently familiar.  Surely if that were true, one of the 7.5 billion people in the world right now would have at least accidentally accomplished it.  Or one of the inhabitants of this 4.5 billion year old planet would have successfully made the journey.

But wait, one man already has.  And this man has done this so we could do this too.   (John 14:6) This man is Jesus.

Accepting Him as your savior goes against every fighting instinct of ‘self’. Surrendering to be saved?  What kind of nonsense is that?  I, too, was once firmly rooted in the opinion that ‘religion’ was something made up to control the ignorant masses.  I was wrong.

There are concepts I had struggled with on my journey.  I hope to cover them here at some point as I know, I am not alone…  In alphabetical order they are: