Am I Growing More Like Christ Jesus? As Christians, we should be able to answer that, easily… and let our ‘YES’ be yes or our ‘NO’ be no. What a great, thought-provoking, and powerful line that is in scripture. I remember reading that and just thinking, ‘How odd?’ But stepping away from the verse and returning to it again, after spending time in the world – hearing how casually we hear or say… ‘Yes, but…’ or ‘No, but…’ I can see its brilliance. No wonder life is hard! We were never meant to do this alone and we were never meant to give each other NOTHING to work with!
Continue reading “Am I Growing More Like Christ Jesus?”FOMO – Living God’s Way
FOMO is real, but it is also the strategy of the Satan. If this is a season where you are struggling with all the things that you are missing out on, maybe sit for a minute and change your perspective. Is 2020 the year of a divine interruption or a divine invitation? Don’t let Satan distract you by drawing your attention to what others seem to have, instead, fear the Lord, the source of all blessings, and turn your attention to Him – He has a blessing for you, too.
Continue reading “FOMO – Living God’s Way”The Beatitudes
Matthew 5 – Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them.
As Christians, we confess our faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ. Yet, Jesus warns us, that paying lip-service to Him will not save us. See Matthew 7:21-23 – Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of my Father in heaven. Today, I am reminded to review the teachings of Jesus, from The Sermon of the Mount.
Continue reading “The Beatitudes”2020 March Review – For Such a Time as This
Brazilian floods and mudslides… earthquakes in Utah, Nevada, Russia, Iran, Turkey… locust infestations destroying crops in Africa and Pakistan… And a new coronavirus causing a global outbreak of the COVID-19 disease… the nature of man demands answers.
Continue reading “2020 March Review – For Such a Time as This”2020 February Review
Right now, I’m enjoying my 2nd time rereading a collection of C. S. Lewis’ writings for the Lent season in a book, Preparing for Easter, as well as a book, To Seek and To Save – Daily Reflections on the Road to the Cross, from Sinclair Ferguson.
This month has focused a lot on Wisdom. What is it? And, what am I going to do with it? There’s is always a call for our choice, our responsibility in this relationship with God!
Continue reading “2020 February Review”Overflowing with Thankfulness
Every once in a while you hear a sermon that ignites a spark in your soul and you think, “Yes! Now if I can just remember that!”
Today was such a day. I was searching for an effective way to reach out to someone while respecting that it is God’s grace which saves men, not me… not my perfect word choices… not my persuasive character… not even my best intentions or the love that I have for that person.
A friend was praying that the love I have for that person would overflow and flop onto them! 😆 That was rich. But it started me searching through the website of one of my favorite Bible teachers, Alistair Begg, when I ran across a sermon, “Overflowing with Thankfulness – Part One.” From 11/29/2009 – before I was even a Christian. 😌
Continue reading “Overflowing with Thankfulness”My Substitute
I recently finished a book, Love Came Down at Christmas, by Sinclair B. Ferguson for the Advent Season. Included was an essay, The Substitute by Sir James Young Simpson (1811-1870), a contemporary of Charles Dickens. And while A Christmas Carol may be more familiar to people, this essay was thought-provoking, to say the least. And, for me to have read it on Christmas Eve was significant.
Anyone who is intent on laying down their life to follow Jesus… who consistently discovers more and more and more of themselves that need to be released… will struggle with finding words to communicate the changes that are taking place.
I think this essay speaks to the heart more than any of my words could.
Enjoy! 💖
Continue reading “My Substitute”Guilt vs. Shame
There is difference between guilt and shame. One is a fact and one is a feeling. Guilt is the knowledge of having done something wrong. Shame is the evil result; shame is the false feeling that your value has somehow changed.
Continue reading “Guilt vs. Shame”Las Vegas Reflections
I read in a devotion from Nick Gumbel this morning about a response from Bishop B.F. Wescott when being asked if he was saved. The bishop responded:
“I know that I have been saved. I believe I am being saved. I hope by the grace of God, that I shall be saved.”
His response addressed the time factor of the word, SAVED. Gumbel expanded with:
- I KNOW I have been saved – from the PENALTY of sin.
- I BELIEVE I am being saved – from the POWER of sin.
- I HOPE, by the grace of God, I shall be saved – from the PRESENCE of sin.
Happy Mother’s Day
I See You Mom
Your hurts, your worries and prayers
Your passions and purposes
I know it all
And, I need you to know
You are not alone; I am with you.
I always have been and always will be
Before you were born, I knit you together
In your mother’s womb.
And just like those babes of yours
You were also fearfully and wonderfully made.
You want the best for your children
Just like I want the best for you.
So, for this moment, for today,
Rest in this truth:
You are not alone,
I am near
I hear you
I see you
I know your effort
I am proud of your sacrifice
And regardless of where you are in your journey
I am not finished
With You