The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 2 (Part 1)

In the beginning…  you can learn so much when you take a step out of where you’re at and say… “let me go back to the beginning.”  I know I find great benefit, mostly humility, to go back and listen to that conversation between Eve and the snake in the garden.  Even more humility, but also encouragement, can be found when Jesus is tempted in the wilderness.

The beginning of this chapter shows a similar wilderness/temptation experience for Christian.

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 1

2021 Seems to be the year to regroup and reboot.  2020 was definitely a challenge for many, and today being Day 1 of a fast seems to be a good day to also begin walking through one of my favorite books again – The Pilgrim’s Progress – From This World, to That Which is to Come by John Bunyan.  A Christian classic that was first written, from a jail cell, in 1678. 

I want to walk through this classic again, this time focusing on who he meets and where he finds himself during this journey.  Hopefully – I’ll get through one chapter each day and let the accompanying scripture speak to me.

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