🦅 John Chapters 20-21✨

Prayer: Father, we saw the amazing display of Your love in the last chapters as we watched Jesus give Himself over to the cross to take the punishment for the sins of mankind. Let us be attentive to the rest of the story provided where we see His victory on display.  Let us go away with new hearts that are thoroughly convinced that You did all this for us. Let us embrace this personally – let us each call Jesus our savior.  We ask this in the precious name of our Lord, Jesus. Amen.

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🦅 John Chapters 18-19✨

Prayer: Father, You give us the opportunity to walk with Jesus 2000 years ago through these chapters as He willingly goes to the cross to receive the penalty for our sins.  Let us reverently and courageously embrace all that You reveal here.  It is easy to categorize these events as tragic, human injustice. Instead, I pray that You open our hearts and open our minds to embrace the divine grace and the unconditional love that is on display. We ask this in the precious name of our Lord, Jesus. Amen.

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🦅 John Chapters 12-13 ✨

Prayer: Abba Father – we return to Your Word today in awe of You.  You tell us that You will not turn away any who turn to You. Some of us are slow in coming… tentative, at best, in staying… most of us are just confused in accepting such a wonderful message.  We have been too hurt… too damaged… by this world that we are slow to accept this good news as true.  Help us to fight the lies and deceit around us – open our hearts to hear what you are speaking to us today. Your words, Lord, bring life to us. We ask this in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

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🦅 John Chapters 10-11✨

Prayer: Abba Father – we return to Your Word today in awe at the power contained within.  Open our eyes that we may see Jesus as He’s revealed in Scripture.  He is The Light in a dark world and He offers to open our eyes and remove us from the realm of Spiritual darkness.   Soften our hearts to humbly accept His offer.  Let us see the truth that You reveal in these chapters. We ask You for this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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🦅 John Chapters 8 – 9✨

Prayer: Abba Father – we return to Your Word today for new revelation. Help us to humble ourselves to see Your will more clearly, so that we may submit ourselves to Your authority. For we live in a dark world and You, Lord Jesus, are the Light of the World. Open our eyes to the wisdom of following obediently in the ways of Our Savior Jesus.. We ask You for this in His name, Amen.

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🦅 John Chapters 6 – 7✨

Prayer: My Dear Lord and Heavenly Father – we return to Your Word today with open minds and open hearts. We ask that You draw near to us and reveal more of who You are to us. Let us marvel at the great chasm that Jesus crossed, twice.  Once to come and reveal Yourself and then, the return trip that opened The Way back to You.  Help us to see this great invitation as You have revealed to us in Your Word. We ask You for this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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🦅 John Chapters 2 – 3✨

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit – join us as we study Your Word. We are thankful for Your Word, the fellowship of believers, and Your presence among us when two or more are gathered together to read and meditate on Your Word. It is Your Word that has the power to save us and transform us more and more into your image. 

What we do not know, teach us.  We seek You and ask You for this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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🦅 John Chapter 1 ✨

Prayer: Heavenly Father, in this new year, we ask that You draw us nearer than ever before. There is a sense of urgency around us. Tune our hearts and minds to hear Your truth above all the noise that surrounds us as we embark on a new study of the truth found in the Gospel of John.  

Yes, we’ve read this before and we’ve studied this before. Yet somehow, there is a thought lingering that perhaps we’ve missed something. It’s been a few years and we’ve grown since then. Lord, teach us what we were unable to understand before. Lead us to a deeper understanding of You. We ask this in the incredible name of Jesus. Amen.

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