How Not to be Led By Your Feelings –

This study is to be done at your own pace, or rather, in God’s timing!

I will cover a small section of each chapter each week and as you as led, please share comments so we can all grow together in this journey.

Chapter 1 / Section 1

Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

Usually each section is separated by a Scripture verse, except the beginning of chapter 1  so this one came to my mind this morning and I believe it’s appropriate!

Continue reading “How Not to be Led By Your Feelings –”

Managing Your Emotions – Introduction – 09/18/2018

Managing Your Emotions Instead of Your Emotions Managing You

This book by Joyce Meyer can be life changing, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

This Bible study can be done at your own pace and the purpose…the GOAL…

To learn how to bring our feelings into line with our faith

I heard in a Christian movie lately that the best way to get revenge is to endure.

As soon as the words were spoken I knew that the best way to get revenge on the devil is to endure…DON’T GIVE UP!

No matter how long or hard the journey is…Jesus understands and He gives us the Holy Spirit to help us every step of the way.

Shall we begin this journey together…

Continue reading “Managing Your Emotions – Introduction – 09/18/2018”