Lent 2021 – Week 1 Reflections – A Prayer for Focus

Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus – Revive us, Lord, so that we may know the liberation we have from sin, so that our lives are restored and that we experience Your presence in a new way.

Do we need more education? No, You did not send a teacher. Even Nicodemus became a follower of Jesus. Do we need more healthcare? No, God didn’t send a doctor. Even Luke became a follower of Jesus. Do we need to fix our government? No, God didn’t send a statesman or politician. The Government will be on His shoulders, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

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2021 Kickoff – Fasting and Prayer

As Christians, we are always in a struggle living each day among the kings and rulers of this world, knowing that we are destined, in fact, chosen, to live eternally in the Kingdom of God.  There are a few concepts that are helping me to navigate this journey as 2021 begins and the world is still reeling from the chaos that COVID-19 brought into 2020.  How do we Christians begin this year without carrying the baggage of 2020 into 2021?

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Thinking in a Post-Truth World

Recently, I began to reread C.S. Lewis’ Surprised by Joy when I had to stop a reflect on a part of his story where he is describing his father’s false perception of the boarding school, Belsen, that he had chosen for his two boys.  A school run by a man Lewis refers to as Oldie.  Lewis knew his father and that the choice would not be made without careful consideration, but the choice was bad one. He looks back on this period and writes:

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Am I Growing More Like Christ Jesus?

Am I Growing More Like Christ Jesus? As Christians, we should be able to answer that, easily… and let our ‘YES’ be yes or our ‘NO’ be no.  What a great, thought-provoking, and powerful line that is in scripture.  I remember reading that and just thinking, ‘How odd?’  But stepping away from the verse and returning to it again, after spending time in the world – hearing how casually we hear or say… ‘Yes, but…’ or ‘No, but…’  I can see its brilliance. No wonder life is hard!  We were never meant to do this alone and we were never meant to give each other NOTHING to work with! 

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FOMO – Living God’s Way

FOMO is real, but it is also the strategy of the Satan.  If this is a season where you are struggling with all the things that you are missing out on, maybe sit for a minute and change your perspective.  Is 2020 the year of a divine interruption or a divine invitation?  Don’t let Satan distract you by drawing your attention to what others seem to have, instead, fear the Lord, the source of all blessings, and turn your attention to Him – He has a blessing for you, too.

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The Beatitudes

Matthew 5 – Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them.

As Christians, we confess our faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ. Yet, Jesus warns us, that paying lip-service to Him will not save us. See Matthew 7:21-23 – Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of my Father in heaven. Today, I am reminded to review the teachings of Jesus, from The Sermon of the Mount.

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As a Christian, I support making Juneteenth a national US holiday.

Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States.  Dating back to 1865, it was on June 19th that the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. Note that this was two and a half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation – which had become official January 1, 1863. The Emancipation Proclamation had little impact on the Texans due to the minimal number of Union troops to enforce the new Executive Order. However, with the surrender of General Lee in April of 1865, and the arrival of General Granger’s regiment, the forces were finally strong enough to influence and overcome the resistance.

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2020 May Review – What is Going On?

Another month immersed in the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns … are they necessary, are the economic impacts worse? Is social isolation having a negative impact on the mental health of humanity? Does anyone know

This month ends with the senseless murder of an unarmed black man, George Floyd, by a white police officer in Minneapolis – the country cries out for justice with peaceful protests that escalate into violent protests that result in another senseless murder of a black law enforcement officer, Patrick Underwood, in Oakland, CA.  A black firefighter, Korboi Balla, spent his life savings building a new sports bar in Minneapolis; it was set to open in March, but Covid-19 delayed the opening until June, but a few days ago, rioters destroyed it.  News headlines announce that George Floyd protests also erupt in Berlin, London, and Toronto.

Nike, whose motto has long been, ‘Just Do It’, has been trying a new slogan for the last few days, after some of their stores have been targeted: ‘For Once, Don’t Do It.’ 

This month has been, for me, a reflection on what it means to be a Christian.

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