Lent 2022 – That Time Again?

TIME – it is always mind-boggling to me how time is supposed to be the most consistent and regular dimension to our lives, but somehow when we focus on time, it appears to be anything but regular!  Sometimes it drags on. Sometimes it races by. And sometimes, somehow, we are completely unaware of its passing.  We find ourselves looking to a calendar and asking, “Where’d it go?”

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Genealogies – From Adam to Noah

From Genesis 5 we read of the generations from Adam to Noah…  “How boring!” You might think. I’m sure I did.  Although it was exciting to think about how long they lived… what would it be like to be Methuselah and live almost 1,000 years?  And Enoch – apparently, he didn’t die. He walked faithfully and God just took him!  These are the points I always focused on… until this week, when someone brought to my attention when Adam died, shown with the black dotted line above, and when the flood took place, shown with the red dotted line.

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Good Friday 2021 – ✝ The Cross

There is a single day in history that has meant more to me than any other.  More than the dates of my own birth, my own marriage, my high school or college graduation, the birthdates of my children – the Friday that Jesus willingly approached death on that cross over 2,000 years ago, was the single most important day in my life.  And I didn’t even recognize it for most of my life.

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Lent 2021 – Week 6 Reflections – The 24 Elders

Let’s stay a while in Revelation. I think as Christians we leave this last book of scripture as something we are incapable of studying.  Why is that?  Would we ever read any other book only to put it down before the story is completed?  We have ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’ in the scriptures but are apprehensive to look to it for comfort – even though it is the story of God’s redemption plan for mankind.

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Lent 2021 – Week 4 Reflections – What are you Waiting For?

In the burning-bush story in the beginning of Exodus, God appears to Moses in flames of fire from with a bush.  Moses not only saw the strange sight, but he took action… he responded.  He noticed the sight, he considered its uniqueness, and he moved toward it.  And it wasn’t until the LORD saw that He had Moses’ attention, that He spoke to Moses.  (Exodus 3:2-4)

How many of God’s children are waiting for a burning-bush moment in their lives before they allow God to speak to them?

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Help Me With My Unbelief

Right after the three closest disciples of Jesus witness His transfiguration, in Mark 9:14-29, we read the story of a man that had brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus to see if He could help him.  “If you can?” repeats Jesus, “Everything is possible for one who believes.”

Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

What a great story, we’ve all been there, Christian.  We believe and at the same time pray that He will help us with our unbelief.  Spoiler alert:  Jesus heals the boy. 💖

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