Better Than a Netflix Binge!

This will be a quick one.

I added a page to the Resources section today… The Bible Project – Old Testament.  All content from

I’ll get the New Testament links available as soon as I can.

I LOVE THIS WEBSITE… Visual Storytelling Meets the Bible.

Their YouTube videos of each of the books of the bible are wonderful.  They are 5 to 8 minutes long… there are 70 in total… do the math… Less than 10 hours to get a high level overview of the entire bible.

Meet the talent behind the magic…


I Wouldn’t Reinvent the Wheel, Why Plagiarize?

Occasionally you run across a message somewhere, verbal or written, where you have to respond… EXACTLY! 

Ozona Community Church in Ozona, FL handles the following topics on their webpage ‘What We Believe’, to which I respond, EXACTLY!

  1. The Scriptures
  2. God
  3. Man
  4. Salvation
  5. God’s Purpose of Grace
  6. The Church
  7. Baptism
  8. The Lord’s Day
  9. The Kingdom
  10. Last Things
  11. Evangelism and Missions
  12. Education
  13. Stewardship
  14. Cooperation
  15. The Christian and the Social Order
  16. Peace and War
  17. Religious Liberty
  18. The Family


This is My Story

This is My Story

Before: I wish I could remember exactly when it was that I walked into Green Valley Lutheran Evangelical Church after an extended absence only to hear our pastor’s sermon regarding our Facebook witnessing!  Sharing an inspirational quote or bible passage with a photo that clearly affirms God’s awesomeness and we feel good about ourselves, right?

We were told in Matthew 28:19 ‘Go and Make Disciples!’  I shared those FB photos
 even added that I was ‘feeling blessed’
 so I was good, right?  😊 Continue reading “This is My Story”

It’s About TIME – Your Past, Your Present, and Your Future

It is difficult to think about the concept of ‘TIME’ without wandering off into enemy territory, ‘Distraction’, but I will try.  Imagine first, you wake up and are given $100 to spend on yourself and a child.  You make breakfast first, (you still have $100).   You get in the car only to discover you need gas.  After stopping to fill the tank and picking up a convenient snack, you’ve spend $25 and now have $75.  You head to the toy store and find the exact toy your child wants on sale!  $10 well spend
 you now have $65.

You head to the park while your child plays with the perfect toy.  Hours later the ice-cream truck calls to you, you now have $60.  Your child is ready to go home where you both nap, have dinner, say your prayers and go to sleep.  You look at the clock, it’s midnight, “Nice, I still have $60.”

Such is the commodity of money.  TIME however is different.  It cannot be ‘saved’
 it is only ‘spent’.  With or without your approval; with or without your involvement
 time does not wait for you. Continue reading “It’s About TIME – Your Past, Your Present, and Your Future”

This World is Hopeless!

How many times has a description been given to some location, some activity, or even some piece of pie where you’re promised to experience ‘Heaven on Earth’?  There’s two, at least, issues with this promise:

(1)    Earth – This world was never meant to be an eternal home for us.  Never has been, never will be.  It does not matter what advances are discovered in science, it does not matter who the ruling political leaders are, it does not matter if all physical and mental illnesses are all cured.  We all die.

(2)    Heaven – No one ever takes issue with this part of the phrase, we all seem to have an innate sense of ‘after’, we just can’t wrap our arms around it.  We can travel though, we can try new activities, and what could possibly be harmful in trying that piece of pie?  Inevitably, we try, and as good as the experience may be, the promise fails to deliver. Continue reading “This World is Hopeless!”

Zipporah – Without Whom, None of This Happens!

Yes, I name the website in honor of Eve, the eternal 1st Lady, but one of my favorite biblical women is Zipporah, Moses’ wife.

The first 5 books of the old testament were most likely written by Moses, except the last part that describes Moses’ death.  These books focus on God’s law for His people and how Israel became God’s special people.

In case you’re unfamiliar with the story of Abraham, God promises, the childless Abraham, that he will be made into a great nation.  Genesis 12.  His wife Sarah doubts the Lord and encourages Abraham to sleep with her servant, Hagar,  who bears him a son, Ishmael.   Hagar and Ishmael are forced away as a result of Sarah’s jealousy then Sarah too, bears Abraham a son, Issac.  It is through the line of Abraham, Issac, and Issac’s son Jacob, that we find God’s chosen people. Continue reading “Zipporah – Without Whom, None of This Happens!”

Goodbye World – Hello Abundant Life!

Welcome Friends and Happy Mother’s Day.

Credit Where it Belongs

Many women will tell you how their faith just sprung to life when they gave birth.  My story is not all that different.  It’s been 21 years since I KNEW that God was real.  Yet, 98% of my maturity occurred in the last 6 years.  That left me wandering for 15 years, lost in the desert. The desert that is Las Vegas, NV. Continue reading “Goodbye World – Hello Abundant Life!”