Dear Friends,
If you are hearing these words from lips other than mine, then know that I will do what is in my ability to save you a seat at the table that has already been prepared for us.
I spent far too much of my life here looking around distracted by the many shiny objects promising happiness. I bought into the lies, the marketing, the smooth talkers… even joined their ranks and wore the robes for a while.
I wandered into too many territories of temptation only to find the Wizard wasn’t really a Wizard at all!
I looked around and around and around, but I had forgotten to look up. Jesus, the Good Shepherd loves every one of His sheep and this wandering sheep heard his call. When I finally lifted my gaze upward, it was impossible to look anywhere else.
When I moved to Florida, to be near family, there was immediate, overwhelming happiness in my life, it was the closest feeling to home that I felt in many years. It also brought the realization that I had just experienced a glimpse of the JOY of Heaven – our eternal HOME.
My friends, my family, I pray now that any grief or sadness that you feel, over the departure of me from this life, is fleeting. Indulge my selfishness and let me say, your loss is my gain. Therefore, until I see you again, love me by rejoicing for me and focusing on Him. Don’t honor me, honor the One who gave me and continues to give me abundant life!
All glory, honor, and praise to my Savior and my Lord – Jesus. 💕