How Not to be Led By Your Feelings –

This study is to be done at your own pace, or rather, in God’s timing!

I will cover a small section of each chapter each week and as you as led, please share comments so we can all grow together in this journey.

Chapter 1 / Section 1

Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

Usually each section is separated by a Scripture verse, except the beginning of chapter 1  so this one came to my mind this morning and I believe it’s appropriate!

Continue reading “How Not to be Led By Your Feelings –”

Managing Your Emotions – Introduction – 09/18/2018

Managing Your Emotions Instead of Your Emotions Managing You

This book by Joyce Meyer can be life changing, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

This Bible study can be done at your own pace and the purpose…the GOAL…

To learn how to bring our feelings into line with our faith

I heard in a Christian movie lately that the best way to get revenge is to endure.

As soon as the words were spoken I knew that the best way to get revenge on the devil is to endure…DON’T GIVE UP!

No matter how long or hard the journey is…Jesus understands and He gives us the Holy Spirit to help us every step of the way.

Shall we begin this journey together…

Continue reading “Managing Your Emotions – Introduction – 09/18/2018”

Defining Boundaries – ITM 09/03/2018

In Charles Stanley’s, In Touch Ministries Daily Devotion today, September 3rd, titled, Setting Boundaries Against Temptation, he refers to Paul’s 2nd pastoral letter to Timothy when talking about the love/hate relationship we have with some sins.  These are the sins that, he writes:  You really want to overcome it, but as soon as you’re tempted, the anticipated pleasure erases all your willpower.  Continue reading “Defining Boundaries – ITM 09/03/2018”

Standing Strong and Fighting Back – ITM 09/02/2018

In Charles Stanley’s, In Touch Ministries Daily Devotion today, September 2nd,  Limits on Temptation, he refers to Paul’s letter to the Corinthians where Paul addresses the problems of temptation in the early church. Paul reminded them that even the ancient Israelites, the ‘Wilderness generation’, who walked with God, gave in to sinful temptations and God was not pleased. Paul talked about the early temptations of idolatry… sexual immorality… and complaining.  They craved evil things and suffered the consequences. (See 1 Corinthians 10:1-12) Continue reading “Standing Strong and Fighting Back – ITM 09/02/2018”

Struggling with Temptation – ITM 09/01/2018

For all of July and August, and now starting September, I have been sending emails to someone three time zones away,  as we both were reading Charles Stanley’s Daily Devotionals from In Touch Ministries (ITM).

I enjoy this exercise and I want to keep track of these thoughts, so now, I include them here as I believe we should surround ourselves with other believers who want the best for us, like Charles Stanley 🙂 and we should track our journey, for so many reasons!

In Charles Stanley’s, daily devotion today, September 1st, titled, The Struggle With Temptation, he calls temptation the most troubling and defeating struggle we go through here on Earth.

He refers to scripture, James 1:13-15, which is powerful. Continue reading “Struggling with Temptation – ITM 09/01/2018”

Lightening the Load: How to Prepare for the Journey

When I heard God’s call and accepted His free offer to travel to an amazing destination where He lives with His people; where there is no tears, no death, no grief, crying, or pain, for these things have passed away, REVELATION 21:3-4, I lifted my arms and cried, ‘YES!  He loves me. Take me as I am, flawed and all.’

Well imagine my surprise when I tried to check-in and the gate agent said, ‘Sorry, this trip requires you to travel light.  You have far too much baggage!’

Continue reading “Lightening the Load: How to Prepare for the Journey”

Finding Balance

There are several wellness blogs as well as a host of personal development seminars, books, psychological theories and wellness-exercises with the goal of getting you to live in peace and harmony every day of your life.  Years ago, I was a participant in a wonderful seminar that helped me identify some baggage in my life that was preventing me from achieving greater things and finding that peace that comes from a balanced life.  The best gift from that secular-based seminar, however, was a realization of the God-shaped hole in my life and an intense desire to fill it.

He works ALL things for our good. (Romans 8:28) 😊 Even attending a seminar that told me I could achieve Peace of Mind by balancing these 4 things:

  1. MENTAL (My relationship with money and career)
  2. PHYSICAL (Exercise and nutrition, duh.)
  3. EMOTIONAL (Relationships with others, my chosen attitude, and communication effectiveness)
  4. SPIRITUALITY (My contribution to ‘The Universe’ or Service or Vision or Legacy)

Continue reading “Finding Balance”

A Day in MY Life

When I stopped posting last year, there was a coinciding, faltering, step in my spiritual journey. A conflict through which, I would have to struggle. The conflict was a familiar one, but one I started seeing in a new light. Self-reliance, once worn like a crown and a badge of honor, was now being recognized as the sin of PRIDE, and this would continue to be my weakness.

This conflict grew to ridiculous proportions, as I struggled with questions… Is this MY understanding?  Is this Divine Revelation? Is the devil using my Pride to detour my spiritual development? Did God really call me? Am I just bluffing my way in and hoping to fool God?

I know Christians are called to The Great Commission.  But I suddenly found myself questioning my ability to answer the call.  Do I KNOW God? Do I KNOW Jesus, my savior? Does the Holy Spirit REALLY live in me?  Or, do I just think I know? Am I letting the devil have a foothold in me? Is he appealing to my sense of Pride, convincing me that what I KNOW of the Triune God is good enough to spread the ‘Good News’ of salvation.  But, really, my limited knowledge would instead only allow me to be complicit with the Great Deceiver, the Father of Lies! Continue reading “A Day in MY Life”

Looking Up – My Eulogy

Dear Friends,

If you are hearing these words from lips other than mine, then know that I will do what is in my ability to save you a seat at the table that has already been prepared for us.

I spent far too much of my life here looking around distracted by the many shiny objects promising happiness. I bought into the lies, the marketing, the smooth talkers… even joined their ranks and wore the robes for a while.

I wandered into too many territories of temptation only to find the Wizard wasn’t really a Wizard at all!

I looked around and around and around, but I had forgotten to look up.  Jesus, the Good Shepherd loves every one of His sheep and this wandering sheep heard his call.  When I finally lifted my gaze upward, it was impossible to look anywhere else.

When I moved to Florida, to be near family, there was immediate, overwhelming happiness in my life, it was the closest feeling to home that I felt in many years.  It also brought the realization that I had just experienced a glimpse of the JOY of Heaven – our eternal HOME.

My friends, my family, I pray now that any grief or sadness that you feel, over the departure of me from this life, is fleeting.  Indulge my selfishness and let me say, your loss is my gain.  Therefore, until I see you again, love me by rejoicing for me and focusing on Him. Don’t honor me, honor the One who gave me and continues to give me abundant life!

All glory, honor, and praise to my Savior and my Lord – Jesus. 💕

So, Where Did We Leave Off?

Almost a year ago, I was searching for a new church to call home.  Since I had made my move to Florida, I felt it was necessary to find a local  church.  There are some great churches in this area and I had found two that I was pretty sure would be my new church home.  I had intended to make a decision after my next trip back from Las Vegas.

I still travel  for work.  Last July, I brought C.S. Lewis with me on the plane, which triggered a conversation with  my seatmates, Darlene and Dan B.  They were moving to Atlanta from the Tampa area; the only thing they were going to miss was their church, theChapel, and Pastor Q.   Sometimes you have to smile at how awesome God is.

I had not heard of theChapel, even though it was fairly close to where I was living.  I promised Darlene I would try theChapel when I got back to town.   (And yes, she texted me to check and make sure I had gone!)

I do love this church.  When I’m out of town, I watch the service on-line, or catch a recording of the message the next day.   The first time I asked my teenage son to listen to a live-stream service, Pastor Q just happened to say that he wished that our local Christian radio station would just one time slip in a Metallica song.  Again, smile at how awesome He is! My son has deemed Pastor Q, ‘relatable’.  In one week, Saturday, June 9th, I will formally commit my life to Christ through Baptism.