Advent 2022 – Reflections

πŸ™πŸ½ Dear Heavenly Father, speak to us Your children during this season of Advent.  You give us our lives in seasons and in cycles for a reason.  We live day-to-day as You desire and we are grateful that your mercies are new every morning. Each evening we ask, Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love for I have put my trust in you. (Psalm 143:8)   And each year we grow from children to young men and women, before we become the fathers and mothers entrusted to show Your love to others. Remind us this advent season what patient endurance means and what it promises. We ask this is the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

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πŸ‚ Mark – Chapters 7 and 8

πŸ™ Heavenly Father, we draw near to You to fill us again with Your Spirit and Your Wisdom. It is through our time together with You and Your Word, that we find life. Show us something new today that is preventing us from being closer to You so that we can repent and get back on the narrow path.  We long for the peace that surpasses all understanding that we feel only in Your presence, made possible only through Your Son, Our Savior. It is in His name that we pray this and draw near to you today. Amen.

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πŸ‚ Mark – Chapters 1 and 2

πŸ™ Heavenly Father, Thank You for the opportunity to study Mark’s Gospel – another revelation of our Lord and Savior Jesus.  Your Word is living and sharper than any two-edge sword.  Open our eyes to see our Savior from a new perspective and open our hearts to accept any transformation and growth that You call us to.  We ask this is the name of Jesus, Your son and our savior. Amen.

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The Four Living CreaturesπŸ¦πŸ‚πŸ‘¨πŸ½πŸ¦…

Ezekiel 1:10

There are many times when we’re reading Scripture where we run across familiar images… repeated phrases… names… places… and we are sure that we should know more about these references. This is where Biblical Study becomes fascinating, spiritually maturing, and rewarding. Today we take a break from studying the Gospels to reflect on The Four Living Creatures from Ezekiel 1:10

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πŸ‘¨πŸ½ Luke – Chapters 23 and 24

πŸ™ Heavenly Father, we return to Your Word today, to finish Your Gospel as recorded by Luke. We thank You for telling us this good news in so many different ways, that no one has any excuse to claim ignorance. Let Your Holy Spirit burn brightly in our hearts to purify us from any remnant of pride that we might still be holding onto, preventing us from humbly submitting ourselves to Your Kingdom – preventing us from drawing nearer to You. We pray this in the name of Our King, Jesus. Amen.

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πŸ‘¨πŸ½ Luke – Chapters 21 and 22

πŸ™ Heavenly Father, we return to Your Word today, because we can.  It is not complicated, it is a simple choice to talk with our Father and ask for His wisdom to bring us life – both here and in eternity. We thank You for spending this time with us. We speak the glorious name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior over our conversation today. Amen.

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πŸ‘¨πŸ½ Luke – Chapters 17 and 18

πŸ™ Heavenly Father, we humbly bow down before Your instruction today, laying down the troubles and cares of this world.  In our time together, teach us what we do not know. Strengthen and guide us into what we are not. We are You children, forever grateful for your salvation and the life You give us. Let Your Word bring us new life today.   Amen.

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