The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 3 (Part 2)

When we last looked in on Christian’s journey, we left him at the top of Hill Difficulty, facing two lions in a narrow passageway, in the dark.  The lions stood between him and House Beautiful, where he’d hoped to find lodging but instead, stood afraid and thought about going back, seeing nothing but death ahead of him.

Just then the porter at the lodge, whose name is Watchful, seeing that Christian had stopped his progress as if he would go back, cried out to him, asking, “Is your strength so small? Don’t fear the lions, for they are chained and are placed there to test your faith and to discover those who have none.  Keep in the middle of the path, and no harm shall come to you.”

Scripture: Mark 8:34-37

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 3 (Part 1)

As Christian left the Interpreter, the highway that Christian climbed was fenced on both sides with a wall called Salvation. Christian ran till he came to a small hill, at the top of which stood a cross.  At the bottom, was a tomb.  When Christian walked up the hill to the cross, his burden came loose from his shoulders and fell off his back, tumbling down the hill until it came to the mouth of the tomb, where it fell in to be seen no more.

Chapter 3 – A Burden Lifted and a Journey Begun.

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 2 (Part 4)

Let’s finish this!  We continue, like any other impatient Christian, to get through to the end of Chapter 2, so we can begin the rest of this journey.  After Christian arrives at the Interpreter’s house, he tells him that Good-Will sent him to the house to be shown excellent things to help him on his journey.

The Interpreter agrees to show those things that will be profitable to Christian. Beginning with a picture, hanging on a wall, of a very grave person – a man with eyes lifted up to Heaven, the best of books in his hand, the law of truth written upon his lips, and the world behind his back. He stood as if pleading with men, and a crown of gold hung over his head.

Then said Christian, “What does it mean?” (I try to guess myself, but yeah, I’ll wait for the Interpreter to explain as well 😉)

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 2 (Part 3)

We continue through Chapter 2 called, “The Way of the World or the Narrow Way.”  Once Christian asks Evangelist for directions, he could not think himself safe until he had once again gotten back on the path that he had abandoned to follow Mr. Worldly-Wiseman’s counsel.  After a while, he arrived at the gate, above which was written, “Knock and it will be opened to you.”

He knocked – more than once or twice.

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 2 (Part 2)

Worldly Wiseman gives simple enough instructions… they always do!!! “Do you see the hill in the distance? Go around that hill, and the first house you come to is his.”  But as Christian neared the hill, he was struck by how high and foreboding it appeared.  One side of the hill hung precariously over the path that wound its way around it, and Christian feared that the overhanging hill would fall on him.

Filled with fear; Christian stopped his journey and stood still.

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 2 (Part 1)

In the beginning…  you can learn so much when you take a step out of where you’re at and say… “let me go back to the beginning.”  I know I find great benefit, mostly humility, to go back and listen to that conversation between Eve and the snake in the garden.  Even more humility, but also encouragement, can be found when Jesus is tempted in the wilderness.

The beginning of this chapter shows a similar wilderness/temptation experience for Christian.

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 1

2021 Seems to be the year to regroup and reboot.  2020 was definitely a challenge for many, and today being Day 1 of a fast seems to be a good day to also begin walking through one of my favorite books again – The Pilgrim’s Progress – From This World, to That Which is to Come by John Bunyan.  A Christian classic that was first written, from a jail cell, in 1678. 

I want to walk through this classic again, this time focusing on who he meets and where he finds himself during this journey.  Hopefully – I’ll get through one chapter each day and let the accompanying scripture speak to me.

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2021 Kickoff – Fasting and Prayer

As Christians, we are always in a struggle living each day among the kings and rulers of this world, knowing that we are destined, in fact, chosen, to live eternally in the Kingdom of God.  There are a few concepts that are helping me to navigate this journey as 2021 begins and the world is still reeling from the chaos that COVID-19 brought into 2020.  How do we Christians begin this year without carrying the baggage of 2020 into 2021?

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Thinking in a Post-Truth World

Recently, I began to reread C.S. Lewis’ Surprised by Joy when I had to stop a reflect on a part of his story where he is describing his father’s false perception of the boarding school, Belsen, that he had chosen for his two boys.  A school run by a man Lewis refers to as Oldie.  Lewis knew his father and that the choice would not be made without careful consideration, but the choice was bad one. He looks back on this period and writes:

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Am I Growing More Like Christ Jesus?

Am I Growing More Like Christ Jesus? As Christians, we should be able to answer that, easily… and let our ‘YES’ be yes or our ‘NO’ be no.  What a great, thought-provoking, and powerful line that is in scripture.  I remember reading that and just thinking, ‘How odd?’  But stepping away from the verse and returning to it again, after spending time in the world – hearing how casually we hear or say… ‘Yes, but…’ or ‘No, but…’  I can see its brilliance. No wonder life is hard!  We were never meant to do this alone and we were never meant to give each other NOTHING to work with! 

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