The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 9 (Refreshment at God’s River)

After leaving By-ends and his company behind, Christian and Hopeful walked until they came to a smooth plain called Ease, where they traveled with much contentment.  The plain was quite small however, so they went quickly through it and reached a little hill on the far side of the plain called Lucre.  In that hill there was a silver mine, which some of the pilgrims had turned aside to see.  The ground near the brink of the pit was unstable, and many had stumbled into the pit only to suffer injuries or even death. It is in this part of the journey that the pilgrims will be tempted by the idea that they can hold on to comfort and self-satisfaction in one hand with their religious principles balanced nicely in the other.

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 8 (Confronting Worldly Attachments)

As Christian and Hopeful left the fair, they soon overtook a man walking ahead of them. They asked him, “What country are you from, sir, and how far are you going on this way?”  He told them that he came from the town of Fair-speech and that he was going to the Celestial City, but he did not tell them his name.

It is on this part of their journey that the pilgrims will talk with those schooled in religious duplicity – the modern Pharisee-types that have nuanced views which allow them to seek all the benefits of religion and keep all the benefits of the world as well.

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 7 (On Trial for the Gospel)

When Christian and Faithful had almost passed through the wilderness, we see them meeting up again with their good friend Evangelist.

Evangelist: Peace be with you, my dear friends, and peace be with all those who have helped you along the way.

Christian: Welcome, Evangelist! Seeing you again brings to mind all your past kindness and your faithful labor done for our eternal good.

Faithful: And a thousand times welcome. You have no idea how sweet and desirable your company is to poor pilgrims like us!

Evangelist: How has it gone with you, my friends, since the last time we parted? What have you met with, and how have you conducted yourselves?

[Apparently, being part of the body of Christ, means to recount our journey details to each other in an honest and healthy manner – to encourage and strengthen each other.  “None of your business” may NOT actually be the way of a Christian.  The growth of a Christian requires some transparency, honesty, and accountability.  This makes Christians extremely vulnerable, sheep among wolves.  I wonder how many of us keep our faith to ourselves because we seem to be surrounded by wolves.  I wonder how many Christians are quiet around us because they can’t discern that we, too, are fellow sheep. 😔]

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 6 (A Faith Beyond Words)

As the two friends journeyed together, Faithful looked to one side and saw a man walking in the same direction.  He was a tall man and looked more handsome at a distance than he did up close. (Those who like to talk about ‘all things divine’ but have no evidence of grace working in their heart, often have a good appearance on the surface.)

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 5 (A Faithful Friend)

As Christian came out of the Valley of the Shadow of Death, he came to a little upward slope that had been put there for the purpose of helping pilgrims see what lay ahead of them.  He climbed and from that height, he saw Faithful just ahead of him on his journey.  He called aloud, “ Hello, hello! Wait right there, and I will come to you and be your companion.”

Faithful looked behind him, saw Christian, who cried out again, “Stay, stay, so I can catch up with you.”

But Faithful answered, “No, I am fleeing for my life, and the avenger of blood is behind me!”

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 4 (A Dark Valley)

From the excitement of the battle where Christian learns to rely on the Word of God and walks out of the Valley of Humiliation with his sword drawn, he enters the Valley of the Shadow of Death.  He has no choice; it is on the way to the Celestial City – It is a place of depression and solitude.

When he got to the borders of the valley, he met two men coming toward him – children of those men who brought an evil report concerning the good land of Canaan.  They were quickly retreating when Christian asked them where they were going.

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 4 (A Fierce Battle)

He had just entered the Valley of Humiliation when Christian was immediately tested. He had not gone far before he saw a foul fiend coming over to meet him. His name was Apollyon.

Christian was afraid and struggled with what to do: should he go back or stand his ground? When he realized that having no armor for his back would make him an easy target for the enemy’s flaming arrows, he decided that standing his ground would give him the best chance of surviving Apollyon’s attack.

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 3 (Part 2)

When we last looked in on Christian’s journey, we left him at the top of Hill Difficulty, facing two lions in a narrow passageway, in the dark.  The lions stood between him and House Beautiful, where he’d hoped to find lodging but instead, stood afraid and thought about going back, seeing nothing but death ahead of him.

Just then the porter at the lodge, whose name is Watchful, seeing that Christian had stopped his progress as if he would go back, cried out to him, asking, “Is your strength so small? Don’t fear the lions, for they are chained and are placed there to test your faith and to discover those who have none.  Keep in the middle of the path, and no harm shall come to you.”

Scripture: Mark 8:34-37

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 3 (Part 1)

As Christian left the Interpreter, the highway that Christian climbed was fenced on both sides with a wall called Salvation. Christian ran till he came to a small hill, at the top of which stood a cross.  At the bottom, was a tomb.  When Christian walked up the hill to the cross, his burden came loose from his shoulders and fell off his back, tumbling down the hill until it came to the mouth of the tomb, where it fell in to be seen no more.

Chapter 3 – A Burden Lifted and a Journey Begun.

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