Help Me With My Unbelief

Right after the three closest disciples of Jesus witness His transfiguration, in Mark 9:14-29, we read the story of a man that had brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus to see if He could help him.  “If you can?” repeats Jesus, “Everything is possible for one who believes.”

Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

What a great story, we’ve all been there, Christian.  We believe and at the same time pray that He will help us with our unbelief.  Spoiler alert:  Jesus heals the boy. 💖

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Lent 2021 – Week 1 Reflections – A Prayer for Focus

Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus – Revive us, Lord, so that we may know the liberation we have from sin, so that our lives are restored and that we experience Your presence in a new way.

Do we need more education? No, You did not send a teacher. Even Nicodemus became a follower of Jesus. Do we need more healthcare? No, God didn’t send a doctor. Even Luke became a follower of Jesus. Do we need to fix our government? No, God didn’t send a statesman or politician. The Government will be on His shoulders, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 15 (Home in the Celestial City)

The pilgrims enter the country of Beulah, whose air was very sweet and pleasant. Here they heard the continual singing of birds, saw flowers appear on the earth, and heard the voice of the turtledove in the land.  In this country the sun shone night and day. They were within sight of the City to which they were going.  They also met some of the inhabitants of the country, for in this land the Shining Ones commonly walked because it was upon the borders of Heaven. In this land also the contract between the bride and the Bridegroom was renewed: “As the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so did their God rejoice over them.”

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 14 (Stubborn Ignorance)

When the pilgrims left the shepherds in the Delectable Mountains a few chapters ago, they first ran into Ignorance from the country of Conceit.  They have given him the distance he desired, while hoping that he would consider the truth that they shared with him. As the pilgrims continued through their journey, Ignorance was never far behind them since, in the beginning of this chapter, Hopeful looks back and notices him still following them. 

[It makes you wonder; did he see them pause at the fork in the road?  Did he watch them wander off with the Flatterer and caught in the net?  Surely, he saw the Shining One lead them back and chastise them with his whip.  Could he overhear the conversation with Atheist?  He could have been close behind them walking through the Enchanted Ground; close enough to hear Hopeful’s agonizing story of turning away from his former life and trying to be good enough, only to discover the saving grace of God, revealed in His Son – that grace that granted Hopeful’s salvation.]

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 13 (Part 2 – Hopeful’s Story)

The last section of this chapter finds the pilgrims walking through miles of the Enchanted Ground. Hopeful feels sleepy, but Christian gently reminds him of the warning from the shepherds. They decide to pass the time and the temptation by having a good discussion.  It is in this conversation that we learn of how Hopeful comes to faith – with quite a bit of help from his friend, Faithful. 💕

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 13 (Part 1 – Flattering Enemies and Renewed Trust)

Christian and Hopeful continue on their journey until they came to a place where there was a fork in the road.  As they looked down each path, both appeared to be as straight as the other and they did not know which way to go. 

As they stood deciding which of the paths to take, a man of dark complexion, covered by a white robe, came to them asked with a very pleasant demeanor why they were standing there.  They answered that they were going to the Celestial City but did not know which of the paths to take.  “Follow me,” encouraged the man agreeably, “for that is where I am going.”

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The Pilgrim’s Progress – Chapter 12 (Faith Under Attack)

As Christian and Hopeful traveled down the mountains along the highway toward the Celestial City, they passed the country of Conceit.  From this country meandered a twisting but pleasant green lane that joined the pilgrims’ highway.  It was here that the pilgrims met a very brisk lad coming from that country, named Ignorance.  Christian asked him where he was from and where he was going. [Of course, he did.]

In this chapter, Bunyan will examine several types of people who call themselves Christians.  Beginning with Ignorance from Conceit, (the very opposite of Knowledge from Humility), he intends to make a point.  He is not talking about ignorance of the inexperienced or dull-minded, but specifically, the self-willed ignorance – a deliberate and willful ignorance of the saving gospel truths.  Those who find themselves in this group have no need to ask directions or ever feel a twinge of doubt about their condition.  This kind of ignorance holds onto everything that is good and has convinced himself of the merits of his deeds and the personal goodness of his character.  As such, his journey to leave the country of Conceit is not motivated by thoughts of destruction or judgment but rather the desire to exchange a good place for a better one.  For Ignorance, the journey from Conceit to the Celestial city is like a pleasant walk in the park, with grassy knolls and soft turf underfoot.  He has never understood the concept of… Christ Alone!

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