Christmas in Eleven Words

At the end of Matthew’s Gospel we read the command of Jesus to His disciples: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

🙏 Heavenly Father, when I read Your Word, I am stirred, yet overwhelmed.  You blessed Adam and Eve and commanded them to be fruitful and increase in number… to fill the earth and to subdue it. Yet the barrier of sin prevented mankind from being in Your presence. And still, You desire to fill Your Kingdom with Your children.  Surely, Jesus’ command was not only to those eleven disciples, but to extend to the disciples they are commanded to make! And as the generational teaching of the Gospel message continued throughout our history, I recognize that as a recipient and believer of that glorious message, this is now a command that has extended to me. 

But I find myself stumbling and completely incapable. So today I praise You for the beautifully written words of Alistair Begg that I read in his Advent study, Let Earth Receive Her King.  I ask You for the wisdom to recognize the opportunities to share Your message of salvation and reconciliation with those You have placed around me. Requesting this mighty privilege in the Name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus – to Him be all the glory, honor, and praise. Amen.

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1st Century Weddings 🍷

Heavenly Father – Thank You for preachers, teachers, and the brothers and sisters that You’ve equipped to serve You in so many different ways. When they share Your revelations with others, it takes courage and I thank You for giving them that inner strength to do so.  I am so blessed to receive these treasures.  All praise and honor and glory to You – in the mighty name of Jesus – my bridegroom. 💖 Amen.

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👀 I See What You Did!

“Blessed are you, Lord, our God, ruler of the universe who has not created me a woman.” ~ a traditional Jewish morning prayer.

🙏🏻 Heavenly Father, You continue to leave me awestruck.  From the controversy of the traditional Jewish prayers to the revelation of Your will in human history, I recommit myself to Your plans. As Your Son, Our Lord, Jesus, taught us to pray… Thy will be done, here on earth… it is in His Name we pray. Amen.

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Tough Teaching – Jesus is The Temple

Earlier this year, we read through the Gospel of John. In chapter 2 we saw ‘the bridegroom’ getting credit at a glorious wedding feast after Jesus demonstrated His power and authority by changing water into wine. Next, we saw Jesus clearing the Temple courts – for the house of God had been changed into a marketplace.  The leaders challenge His authority and in John 2:19 Jesus answered them: ‘Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.

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🙏 Heavenly Father – We come to You today, with humble hearts and honest meditation, as we assess our Christian life. Sometimes it is a struggle; sometimes You seem silent. But we know that You’ve promised to help us, to guide us, and to see us through to the end of this earthly life. You have promised to keep us until we’ve been ushered into Your Kingdom.  As we examine ourselves today, breathe new life into us. In the name of The One, with whom You are well-pleased – Your Son and Our King, Jesus – we pray.  Amen.

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What Do We Know? 🤔

Dear Heavenly Father – Happy Father’s Day!  As Your daughter, I am so blessed and so thankful that You have called me into Your family. You continually call me to draw nearer and to trust You, yet I sense that I am standing in my own way of doing just that. I keep a distance. Let this meditation and review of Your Word in 1 Thessalonians speak to my heart to let down my guard and to love You with ALL my heart and ALL my soul and ALL my mind as our Lord Jesus tells us in Matthew  22:37. I ask this in His Name. Amen.

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Summer Reflections – What is Salvation? 🤔

🙏🏻 Let these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

I have been looking forward to this time to take a ‘Spiritual Sabbatical.’ A time to reflect, reevaluate, and  recharge. Almost five months of 2024 have elapsed; it’s an election year and soon we’ll start seeing Christmas countdowns… I do NOT want to be swept away by the cultural nonsense that is expected. I want to be a careful steward of the gift of time that I’ve been given.

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The Purpose of Brokenness

🙏🏻 Heavenly Father – We call you Father and we know You love us… but sometimes we don’t don’t understand Your Will. Our faith feels weak and doubts start to creep in. We know these feelings are from the enemy, but sometimes we are just left feeling a little lost. I thank you that while I’m considering the difficulties of this Christian life, You bring this in my daily devotion today. I just love when You do that! All praise and honor to You!

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🦅 John Chapters 20-21✨

Prayer: Father, we saw the amazing display of Your love in the last chapters as we watched Jesus give Himself over to the cross to take the punishment for the sins of mankind. Let us be attentive to the rest of the story provided where we see His victory on display.  Let us go away with new hearts that are thoroughly convinced that You did all this for us. Let us embrace this personally – let us each call Jesus our savior.  We ask this in the precious name of our Lord, Jesus. Amen.

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