Are You Saved? A journey into Christian Nomenclature.

I often struggle with words. Iā€™m trying to let The Word give me guidanceāœØ, but I live in a world with both Christian believers and non-believers.  And when a word like ā€œSALVATIONā€ is used, I often wonder what that means to (a) other Christians and (b) my non-Christian friends.

Hereā€™s what Iā€™ve learned Christian SALVATION to mean. There are three components of Salvation that pertain to Godā€™s people over time. When I heard this, I found it very helpful.

I Have Been Saved from the Penalty of Sin ā€“ JUSTIFICATION.

This comes when you trust in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as the only means for eternal life with God.Ā  To get to this ā€˜confessionā€™, you must recognize the sinful nature inside of yourself ā€“ you must recognize your guilt against God, you must recognize your position with God is one that deserves death, then realize that in Godā€™s mercy & grace He provided Jesus to take that penalty as your substitute.

Here’s the mind-bending twister:  The act that took place over 2,000 years agoā€¦ the Cross that divided historyā€¦ it is the same historical act that saved me, so many years later!  I accepted that substitution only a few years ago.  I know I am saved from the death I deserved because of what Jesus did for me.  Now, Iā€™m spending each day, asking my new King for His help in living in this fallen world.  I am spending my time with Him, learning from Him, and practicing what He teaches.  As far as my old life, Iā€™m holding onto nothing.

I Am Being Saved from the Power of Sin ā€“ SANCTIFICATION.

This cleansing process continues to transform you from your ā€œAdamā€ version to your new and improved ā€œJesusā€ likeness.Ā  Through this process it is your relationship with Jesus that allows ANY progress.Ā  Being ā€˜yokedā€™ with Him, allows for progress by Him, who is doing the work within you!Ā  He will guide you in the direction to go. He will set the speed and He will share the weight.Ā  You just have to let him!Ā  We are called to TRUST and OBEY ā€“ all our other efforts to lead the dance or to control the outcome, just get in His way and slow Him down.Ā 

It is an unusual way to live.  I said before, Iā€™m holding onto nothingā€¦ but thatā€™s not always true. During this process, He reminds me of some things that I am having a tough time releasing.  He also reminds meā€¦ Donā€™t pick that back up!  And sometimes, I still have a bit of a rebellious attitude where I thinkā€¦ ā€˜Fine, You can have it.ā€™  Expecting the worst since I let it goā€¦ but brought to tears when He fulfills the desires, wishes, prayers of my heart in beautiful, unexpected ways.

This is the only way to live. When your life-partner is the giver of life, you lack nothing but a better environment in which to spend the rest of your days. 

I Will Be Saved from the Presence of Sin ā€“ GLORIFICATION.Ā 

This is it ā€“ this is the endgame!Ā  Godā€™s removal of all sin from the lives of all who are saved. Our lives can finally glorify God and we can enjoy His presence forever. Ā Ā The Kingdom of God ā€“ where Godā€™s people live under Godā€™s rule in Godā€™s presence with Godā€™s blessings, forever.

On that Judgment Day ā€“ I will hear, ā€˜Well doneā€™ as my Lord and Savior leans to the Father and points to the Book and says, ā€˜Sheā€™s with me.ā€™  

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