šŸ’•How Are You Shaped?

We have all heard that we are fearfully and wonderfully madeā€¦ we have all heard that God does not make junkā€¦ and weā€™ve all heard that weā€™re perfect, just the way we are.  BUTā€¦ we look around and we feel doubt. We sense that something is amiss.

Listen to your sensesā€¦ something is amiss…  The problem is not in what weā€™ve heard, but in how we interpret the truth.

The truth is:

We are fearfully and wonderfully madeā€¦ we are not junk.  (Psalm 139:14, Ephesians 2:10, Genesis 1:27) Never consider that you are a result of some cosmic evolution progression that skipped a few things in your birth.  If the creation story of evolution were true, than read no further!  But it’s not.

If your conscience bothers you because you sense there is something ā€˜moreā€™ than what your life reveals, then I ask you to consider your perspective and be prepared to be reborn. Every human being, across time and space, has asked the same fundamental question. Why am I here?Ā  The question is important. At one time, we have all wondered why the things that we know in our hearts fail to reach the reality of our lives. True Christianity has answers. ( Romans 3:23, Hebrews 10:14)Ā  Are you ready to hear it… receive it… even if it means ‘new’ life?

It astounds me that we can sense a distance between ourselves and the perfectā€¦ but we donā€™t want to hear the word ā€˜sinā€™ being the cause. I get that.Ā  The church throughout history, by their own hypocrisy, has dirtied that message.Ā  (Even though the message is true, no one can listen to those experts preach about sin… with historic incidents of murder, child molestation, prideful arrogance, and greed, who would listen?)

Fun Fact: the origin of the word HYPOCRITE is Greek; it means an actor or stage player – one who speaks from underneath [a mask]. šŸ¤Ø And now we live in a culture where the Hollywood names believe they can preach to the rest of us how live moral and virtuous lives.

Great choice… We are horrified by the actions of disgraced church leaders that lived secret lives, so now we can listen to ‘professional liars’ who do the same things, but proudly and out in the open. šŸ˜²

Let’s remember that we’re all human beings that live in a sinful world… we all sin. [Romans 3:23-24] None of us are more righteous. The deviant priests… the loud-mouths on the world stage… are all the same as us – separated from God by whatever sin we hold onto.

We also remember that not all religious leaders are deviants and not all of the rich and famous are claiming moral superiority. And many of us are still learning to let go of habitual sinful choices as we embrace drawing nearer to a God that loves us.

No one should present themselves as ‘holier than thou’ or even ‘holy enough.’ In my experience… when I’m tempted to feel that way, God has a way of knocking me off my throne rather quickly. šŸ˜”

So who are you listening to? Letā€™s try a different approach. Forget what others have done; forget what others tell you. Separate yourself and consider your personal relationship with God. One-on-one… Your Heavenly Father… Your Creator and you. I recently heard about an acronym ‘SHAPE’ ā€“ that speaks to how God has uniquely formed each of us.

As a mother with more than one child, I can testify that each are different.  Even a mother of twins will acknowledge that how one child responds is no guarantee regarding the other child’s response. So, the first thing to do… is remove every mental picture of what ‘should’ be that’s based on what someone else is.

SHAPE takes us at an individual level to how God has uniquely fashioned each of us. This helps us to step back from comparison – rating ourselves ‘less than’ because others seem ‘greater’. This also helps the over-achiever to back off of any great sense of ‘pride’ when the founding principle is that we are all designed by God. Whether you were planted as an acorn to grow into a mighty oak or a seed that blossomed into a flowering, fragrant lilac bush, you will miss all that God has designed for your life if you refuse to look at how you were shaped, with gratitude. In your creation, you get credit for nothing.


   ā€˜Sā€™ every believer has unique Spiritual gifts.  If you havenā€™t taken a spiritual gift test, there are many online that are freeā€¦ answer them honestly about who you are TODAY.  Not who you want to be, I can’t stress that enough!!! Youā€™ve learned that spiritual life is a journey, so take an assessment regularlyā€¦ it will surprise you how God makes you grow in life. 

BTW… if you are still so hurt by the world… and you’re still in the ‘I hate people’ mindset, the spiritual gift test will be of no use. Spiritual gifts are revealed in you to help others – you’re not there yet. That’s ok – you need to go to God, one-on-one for some healing and some wisdom. Look for verses on peace: Isaiah 26:3 Matthew 5:9 Romans 5:8 Psalm 34:8 Isaiah 40:31 Psalm 119:39 2 Corinthians 3:16

  ā€˜Hā€™ everyone has a Heart uniquely shaped to your passions. As you look around you, what breaks your heart?  What do you care about?  (Again – donā€™t be ashamed if the answer is ā€˜meā€™. Thatā€™s part of the journey.) As you learn to trust God and how He cares more about you than you ever could, you open yourself to discovering other passions that would honor Him. (On a personal note, I thank God for those who have a heart for animals. I like them – they are not my passion. They are God’s creations, so I thank Him for my friends that were shaped to care for animals more than I am capable of doing.)

Ā Ā ā€˜Aā€™ everyone has Abilities they have been givenā€¦ whether they like them of not.Ā  It may be time to quit comparing othersā€™ abilities to your own and embrace the differences.Ā  God gave you abilities for a reason ā€“ if you feel unfulfilled, could it be because you refuse to embrace what could be done with the abilities He has given YOU? In today’s world of all-exposing, instant-communication, have we become unable to recognize that everyone, regardless of their abilities, suffers in this broken world?

  ā€˜Pā€™ We all have unique personalities. (I am not even going to recommend a Personality test.)  Suffice it to say that you know if you are an extrovert or an introvertā€¦. You know if you are self-focused or others-focused… You know if you’re comfortable speaking to a crowd or much better one-on-one over coffee. You also know that when you Google the 16 different personality types, that you can fit into many of the definitions.  (Think again about a journeyā€¦ at one time, this type was meā€¦ but now, Iā€™m more like this type.)

Stress is often brought on by trying to be what you are not.

ā€˜Eā€™ Experiences.Ā  THIS, in my opinion, is the preeminent factor in our SHAPE. (As culture would say, ‘This is where the money is!)Ā  NO ONE HAS YOUR EXPERIENCESā€¦ AND MANY TIMES, WE WISHED WE DIDNā€™T HAVE OUR OWN EXPERIENCES!Ā  LOL. But as a child of God, remember that those experiences might have been a surprise to you and they may have been a disappointment. Or at the time, they were scary. But they weren’t a surprise to God. AND they didn’t kill you… They shaped you. (Do you think that if Esther knew what her future held before she experienced it, she would have the strength to go forward? How about Joseph? Or Daniel? Or Peter or Paul? Their lives are detailed in Scripture so that we too can learn to trust God… even when our circumstances seem scary!) Look at Romans 8:28 again… word for word. It is priceless.

In the Old Testament, the Israelites were always told to REMEMBER what God has delivered them through. The New Testament Scriptures reminds us that God is faithful and He continues to deliver His children – even us pagans who were adopted into the family of Abraham! If you aren’t familiar with the promises of God outlined in Scripture… look them up! Start familiarizing yourself with all He has done… continues to do… and will always do for His children.

With the exception of the ‘E’ in the SHAPE acronym, the other letters you share with others; they help you to develop relationships; people to bond with.  But the ‘E’! That is individual; that is where the vulnerability is. You can chose how to use that experience – I would recommend encouraging and helping others. Always with gratitude and giving God the glory for having survived some experiences!

You will find people that are like-mindedā€¦ like giftedā€¦ with like abilitiesā€¦ and like passionsā€¦ but it is only the experiences that differ.Ā  And blinded as most of us are or were, we struggle with why our experiences are ā€˜worseā€™ than others like us.Ā  Maybe, we never saw the opportunity, like the mythical Phoenix, to rise out of the ashes, to begin life anew.Ā  Brilliantly born again; stronger for the suffering we endured – ready to hold the hand of a fellow survivor.

šŸ™šŸ½ Heaven Father, we can never thank You enough for all that you have given us… all that You promise us. It is inconceivable that after being the result of Your workmanship, that our lives in Christ are Your inheritance, reflecting Your glory. Stay close to us, Lord, as we are sometimes lost in our circumstances. Whisper clearly to our souls, to trust You – for You are always at work – working things out for the good of those that love You. We love You, we thank You, and we trust You. For always, in Jesus name, Amen.

(Deuteronomy 32:9 Ephesians 1:11-14 Ephesians 2:10)

One Reply to “šŸ’•How Are You Shaped?”

  1. No one should present themselves as ā€˜holier than thouā€™ or even ā€˜holy enough.ā€™ In my experienceā€¦ when Iā€™m tempted to feel that way, God has a way of knocking me off my throne rather quickly. šŸ˜”

    AH YES – Thank you for this post Elisa!

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