We continue through Chapter 2 called, “The Way of the World or the Narrow Way.” Once Christian asks Evangelist for directions, he could not think himself safe until he had once again gotten back on the path that he had abandoned to follow Mr. Worldly-Wiseman’s counsel. After a while, he arrived at the gate, above which was written, “Knock and it will be opened to you.”
He knocked – more than once or twice.
At last, a very serious person came to the gate whose name was Good-Will. Good-Will asked who was there, from where he came, and what he wanted.
Christian (C) – I am a poor burdened sinner. I come from the City of Destruction, but I am going to Mount Zion, so that I may be delivered from the wrath to come. I am informed that through this gate is the way to safety, and I want to know if you are willing to let me in!
Good-Will (GW) – I am willing with all my heart.
Good-Will opens the gate and pulls Christian in roughly, informing him that Beelzebub and those with him are in a castle not too far from that gate and seek to slay poor sinners with their arrows before they can enter into safety. But now, an open door is set before him, and no man can shut it.
The two men talk about Christian’s journey to the gate and Christian admits to his own folly, not much better than the choice made by Pliable.
C – Truly, I do not know what would have become of me if Evangelist had not come to my rescue by that mountain as I stood paralyzed by my confused thoughts. It was God’s mercy that he came to help me, or else I would not be standing here before you. So here I am, more deserving of death by that mountain than of talking with you here. Oh, what a favor you do me by admitting me entrance through the gate!
GW – We make no objections to anyone, no matter what they have done before they come to the gate. They are never cast out. 💖
Good-will then takes Christian to teach him about the way he must go. First, he shows him the narrow way – the way that was carved out by the patriarchs, prophets, Christ, and His apostles. It is as straight as a ruler can make it. It is the way you must go.
C – But are there no turnings or windings by which a stranger might lose his way?
GW – Yes, there are many other ways, but they are all crooked and wide. That is how you can distinguish the right way from the wrong way; the right way is always straight and narrow…. As far as your burden, be content to bear it until you come to the place of deliverance; once you are there, it will fall from your back by itself.
Christian begins to prepare for his journey and Good–Will tells him he must go a good distance from the gate before he would come to the house of the Interpreter. He tells Christian to knock at that door of that house, where he would be shown excellent things. Then Good-Will bid Christian Godspeed.
Thoughts for Consideration
I just love how this story depicts the Christian journey as enduring and lengthy… no one-and-done for this conversion. No 10 steps to salvation. I don’t know, there’s probably a “Salvation for Dummies” book published… it would sell a lot of copies, but it would be worthless…
We leave Christian ready to continue his way to the Interpreter’s house. (Seems like a good place to stop for now as it is a good distance from the gate!)
He has already left his home, his friends and family. He has met Evangelist to show him the way to Eternal Life. His neighbors left him at the Swamp of Despond. He was persuaded away, by Worldly-Wiseman, to the Mountain that threatened death, rescued again by Evangelist to get back on track to the narrow gate where he gains entrance and meets Good-Will. (The one friend that every Prodigal Son or Daughter wants to meet 💖. The one that opens the gate no matter what they have done before.)
But Christian, he’s still not ‘there’ yet. Wherever ‘there’ is, this is still Chapter 2 and we have the sense that all this preparation is not because the journey will be easy nor will it be quick!
Scripture References:
Matthew 7:7 | John 6:67 | Matthew 7:14 | Luke 15:11-24 |