Am I Growing More Like Christ Jesus?

Am I Growing More Like Christ Jesus? As Christians, we should be able to answer that, easilyā€¦ and let our ā€˜YESā€™ be yes or our ā€˜NOā€™ be no.Ā  What a great, thought-provoking, and powerful line that is in scripture.Ā  I remember reading that and just thinking, ā€˜How odd?ā€™Ā  But stepping away from the verse and returning to it again, after spending time in the world – hearing how casually we hear or sayā€¦ ā€˜Yes, butā€¦ā€™ or ā€˜No, butā€¦ā€™Ā  I can see its brilliance. No wonder life is hard!Ā  We were never meant to do this alone and we were never meant to give each other NOTHING to work with!Ā 

Is it Yes or No? šŸ˜¤

For example:Ā  If I ask my child at 4 pm if they will complete a chore, like taking out the garbage before the scheduled pickup at 7 am the following morning, and they respond with ā€˜Yes, butā€¦ā€™ Ā there is now a 15-hour window where my expectation may or may not be met.Ā  Overall, the disposition of the garbage is unimportant.Ā  What is important, however, is what we learn and develop in the parent-child relationship.Ā  Through simple transactions we develop our character and we learn through our experiences trust, integrity, dependability, and honesty. Or, we learn the reverseā€¦ distrust, hypocrisy, disloyalty, and dishonesty.Ā  Then, we carry what weā€™ve learned to our future relationshipsā€¦ in our marriages, our workplaces, and our communities.

When we say YES and we follow through, we demonstrate our integrity.Ā  We show we are reliable and we build stronger relationships.Ā  When we say NO, we do the same.Ā  Saying NO is just as right as saying YES.Ā  What is wrong is saying maybe.Ā  What is wrong is saying, YES but not living up to the commitment.Ā  When you communicate like that, you are saying, ā€œBeing honest with you is not important to me; I donā€™t value you enough to commit to my word.ā€

If you think that saying what another person wants to hear is being kind to them, youā€™re wrong.Ā  You are betraying them and defaming your own character.Ā 

So, am I becoming more like Christ Jesus? YES.Ā  šŸ˜Š (Thanks to Him who began a good work in me!)

Am I satisfied with my likeness? NO and that reveals an area of impatience that is still in me.Ā  Ā Ā šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

Jesus was on a mission.Ā  He came to do His Fatherā€™s will and to finish His Fatherā€™s work ā€“ to seek and to save the lost.Ā  In each location, as crowds gathered around, He would often go to a lonely place and pray.Ā  When His disciples told Him that people were looking for Him, He would remind them that it was time to move on to the next place.

He did not stay in one place to enjoy His fame and popularity.Ā He did not find a comfortable place to stay. He also did not stay in a place that threatened to kill Him. He had no place to lay His head!Ā  He had work to do ā€“ save sinners and give them eternal life. He kept on doing His Fatherā€™s work, right up to the point of His crucifixion when He could announce, ā€œIt is finished!ā€™

Christians ā€“ we who believe in this saving work ā€“ are already saved for eternity.Ā  So, how are we living each day now when He reminds us that the fields are ripe for harvest?Ā  In the original design, mankind was told ā€“ for six days you shall labor and the seventh is a day of rest.

B.C. ā€“ before my conversion ā€“ I could understand 6 days of working and a day of rest.Ā  It could easily mean my job for 5 days a weekā€¦ laundry and household chores on the 6thā€¦ then the ā€˜requiredā€™ church attendance on the 7th. (Sometimes, optional, if I’m resting!)

A.D. ā€“ after death i.e. hanging my old life on that old rugged cross ā€“ I am reminded how often Jesus says, ā€œFollow Meā€.Ā  Oh, Jesus! You worked doing the Fatherā€™s will, then took some time alone with Him.Ā  I canā€™t really see my profession as the ā€˜six days shall you laborā€™ anymore.Ā  You are calling me to something more, something so much more than what my career requires.Ā  And suddenly, I need that 7th day of rest to spend in Your presence and in a community of other believers for strengthā€¦ peaceā€¦ praiseā€¦ worshipā€¦ thanksgivingā€¦ guidanceā€¦ directionā€¦ growth… correction!

So, while I may sometimes be impatient, I also, like Paul with the Philippian church, am confident of this: that He who began a good work in me will carry it on to completionĀ until the day of Christ Jesus.

And so I pray, Lord Jesus, that You remind me as you did Your other disciples: All authority in heaven and on earth is Yours and there is work to be done. And that surely, You are with me always, to the very end of the age. Amen!

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