Summer Reflections – What is Salvation? 🤔

🙏🏻 Let these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

I have been looking forward to this time to take a ‘Spiritual Sabbatical.’ A time to reflect, reevaluate, and  recharge. Almost five months of 2024 have elapsed; it’s an election year and soon we’ll start seeing Christmas countdowns… I do NOT want to be swept away by the cultural nonsense that is expected. I want to be a careful steward of the gift of time that I’ve been given.

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The Purpose of Brokenness

🙏🏻 Heavenly Father – We call you Father and we know You love us… but sometimes we don’t don’t understand Your Will. Our faith feels weak and doubts start to creep in. We know these feelings are from the enemy, but sometimes we are just left feeling a little lost. I thank you that while I’m considering the difficulties of this Christian life, You bring this in my daily devotion today. I just love when You do that! All praise and honor to You!

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