🦅 John Chapters 2 – 3✨

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit – join us as we study Your Word. We are thankful for Your Word, the fellowship of believers, and Your presence among us when two or more are gathered together to read and meditate on Your Word. It is Your Word that has the power to save us and transform us more and more into your image. 

What we do not know, teach us.  We seek You and ask You for this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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🦅 John Chapter 1 ✨

Prayer: Heavenly Father, in this new year, we ask that You draw us nearer than ever before. There is a sense of urgency around us. Tune our hearts and minds to hear Your truth above all the noise that surrounds us as we embark on a new study of the truth found in the Gospel of John.  

Yes, we’ve read this before and we’ve studied this before. Yet somehow, there is a thought lingering that perhaps we’ve missed something. It’s been a few years and we’ve grown since then. Lord, teach us what we were unable to understand before. Lead us to a deeper understanding of You. We ask this in the incredible name of Jesus. Amen.

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🔆Light Over Darkness 🌑

Cycles… seasons… repetitions… all have one thing in common: renewal.  The sabbath was made for man [Mark 2:27] – we were meant to go for a period and then stop and rest before beginning again. His mercies are new every morning. [Lamentations 3:23]

If you thought life was meant to be lived in a non-stop hamster-wheel, you’re wrong.  If it feels like your life is running on a nonstop marathon course, your feelings are giving you a warning – you’re on the wrong track!

In the creation story, in particular days 1 and 4 in Genesis 1:1-5, 14-19, we get light, time, and lights to mark seasons of time.  For all our lives we’ve woken up to a brand-new day… we celebrate birthdays… we have calendars to mark off the months in a year. 

Just a short time ago we celebrated Christmas and asked ourselves… where has the year gone? And now we are two weeks into a new year 2024. I am taking this opportunity to praise God for all He’s done this past year and for the blessings He’s already shown this year. 

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