The Bible – God’s Redemptive Plan – Humanity

God's Redemptive Plan

Some students approach a math class with so much dread and fear, that it is impossible for them to engage even in a simple lesson. For me, it was a French class – it seemed smarter to drop the class before it affected my permanent record. ๐Ÿคจ Whether that was a good decision or not, who knows, but 40 years later, I’ve never returned to any French studies. Christianity, Bible Study, and Knowing God, is not something to walk away from – there are unavoidable consequences.

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The Bible – God’s Redemptive Plan – Introduction

The Bible is all about Jesus. It may be difficult to understand while we’re stuck in the moment of our lives. We’re tied to time, we have a narrow view of history, and our worldview has been shaped by the experiences of our lives. What we see, what we hear, who we belong to and spend time with… these all shape our perspective, not all are true.

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